Meet Lotte: Our new intern at nonzerosum!
Meet Lotte: Our new intern at nonzerosum!
We are delighted to introduce Lotte to you. Lotte will be joining us for the next 11 weeks as an intern Recruitment Consultant.
Lotte is currently pursuing her Master of Science in Business Administration at Ghent University, specializing in HRM and Organizational Management. With an incredible drive for challenges, Lotte is determined to enhance our team at nonzerosum. We can’t wait to see her skills shine in our professional environment!
To get to know Lotte a little better, we asked her a few questions.
What is your ultimate holiday destination, and why?
I would love to travel to Mexico. Why? I am very curious about what Mexican culture has to offer. I’m also a nature lover, and Mexico is known for its beautiful natural landscapes such as the Cenotes, Rio Lagartos, …
What is your small joy? Your guilty pleasure?
I almost hesitate to say it, but spending evenings on the couch with a good series and a large bag of ketchup chips. I first lick the chips (for the seasoning) and then eat them haha.
What is your favorite season and why?
Definitely summer, for the sunshine!
If you could change one thing about the world, not just for your benefit, what would it be?
I would choose a world without war, so that everyone can be happy and experience safety.
If you were to describe your life in three words, what would they be?
Busy, coziness & friends!
What does your ideal Sunday look like?
Ideally, I would sleep in on Sunday and then have pastries and croissants with coffee. Then I would go for a walk with friends or family and end up on a terrace with a glass of rosé.
What have you never done but would really like to do?
Take a spontaneous road trip where you decide day by day where you will stop and sleep.