Home Financial law, securities & guarantees

Financial law, securities & guarantees

Your company is about to grow and this requires resources. You need working capital to expand your business because you want to invest in real estate or perhaps renewable energy. You want to acquire a company or need to restructure the group. In short, your company needs resources. First step? You go to the bank or seek funding elsewhere. The next step is to obtain a loan and receive certain financial resources. A complex process that requires certain securities and guarantees such as real estate, mortgages and deposits.

This involves highly technical documentation full of obligations and risks on the part of the enterprise yet of key importance to the development of your company. It pays off to dig in together with nonzerosum, your financial law expert. Our experts allow you to focus on your company while alleviating you of concerns about your financial documentation.

What can our experts help you with?

Legal support for all your questions about financial law and securities
Legal advice for setting up your financial structure
Setting up, reviewing and negotiating financial legal documents and contracts including Loans, Debt or Equity documents, Letters of credit, Bonds, Financial Security documents such as Pledge on Shares, Pledge on Movable Property, Mortgages, Mandates, Guarantees such as Bank Guarantees, Personal Guarantees
Project documentation in view of project financing in real estate, renewable energy, development

Feel free to ask us for an initial consultation. We are happy to review your specific question or request for assistance to propose the right approach. Afterwards, we can provide legal work quickly and accurately so that you can focus more on your business.

Contact us for up-to-date and practical legal advice.

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