Welcome to our team Timothy
Welcome to our team Timothy
At Nonzerosum, things are moving in the right direction. Due to rapid growth, we opened a new office in Brussels this summer and expanded our team with the arrival of Timothy as Director Recruitment Consulting. Timothy has since been working at
Nonzerosum for several months, so it’s time to get to know him a bit more in-depth.
What did you do before joining Nonzerosum?
I am a lawyer and already have gained a lot of experience. I was a lawyer and a corporate lawyer in IP. After that, I was also active in the legal publishing sector for a long time. There, I held various commercial positions, from account manager to commercial director. In 2015, I became self-employed and started ‘Lawdle’, an information-sharing platform aimed primarily at legal professionals. This summer, I started looking for a new challenge and joined Nonzerosum.
How did you come to join us?
Nonzerosum put out a challenging job offer that immediately appealed to me. At the first meeting with Tom and Stephanie, it quickly became clear to me that this vacancy was the right fit for me. They were looking for someone who could take on recruitment but also pull the further expansion of Nonzerosum into French-speaking Belgium
How is this further expansion into French-speaking Belgium going?
It was founded on the experiences and best practices of Stephanie and Tom, where they have been operating in Belgium from the Ghent office for several years. It was a challenge as Nonserozum was still building brand awareness in the French-speaking part of the country, but step by step we succeeded in gaining that awareness even more, bringing in very nice clients and adding top candidates to our portfolio. It is a fine combination of recruitment and sales, in which I have the necessary experience. Meanwhile, we are working on great French-speaking assignments and notice that the market is responding positively to our presence. The results are already there, the connections are being made, so we can definitely say that the expansion is going well.
What attracts you most in this position?
The contact with people! The interviews and intakes with candidates and clients energise me. Getting to know new people, new personalities, new cultures, … It broadens my own view of the world and also allows me to get to know myself better. On top of that, it is also very nice to match candidates with a job that suits them.
A little quiz to conclude
Coffee or tea?
Neither! I prefer the basics, water.
Pizza or pasta?
Neither! Just give me some fruits or vegetables.
Dogs or cats?
A cat-dog, like the maine coone!
Working at home or in the office?
Joker! I enjoy both, so a good mix is ideal.
Car or bicycle?
I can hardly operate without a car, but in the most sustainable way.