Home Environmental law, licensing and spatial planning

Environmental law, permits & spatial planning

Spatial planning law is an umbrella branch within the legal field for all legislation pertaining to the physical living environment. It includes rules about living, working, recreation, agriculture and nature. These aspects all demand their place in society and spatial planning law attempts to streamline them.

The impact of this area of law cannot be underestimated.

Just like our increasingly complex society, this legislation is subject to continuous change. Our spatial planning law experts are constantly tracking these changes, allowing them to offer you the most up to date advice and actions.
As a result, the risks for your company can be perfectly mapped, you no longer need to worry about warrants and procedures and you can address your (anticipated) issues pro-actively. This will benefit yourself, your organisation and our living environment!

Our team possesses the necessary expertise in (environment and urban development) permits, spatial planning, water and environmental legislation. Every aspect of our living and working environment can be covered. We can offer companies legal support in order to estimate the impact of various plans on their operations, including structure plans and spatial execution plans.

We also help public administrations and their counsellors test the legality of their planning instruments and offer support in procedures involving permit applications that threaten to undermine local policy.

What can our experts help you with?

Legal support in formulating a business strategy that takes into account all (relevant) aspects of environmental law (environment, waste, noise, scent, urban development, spatial planning, etc.)
Brief, practical answers to everyday questions about all aspects of our living environment related to your operations
Legal, urban development and environmental support in environmental permit applications (e.g. parcelling or construction applications)
Research into (the impact of) all kinds of plans including structure plans, spatial execution plans, expropriation plans

Feel free to ask us for an initial consultation. We are happy to review your specific question or request for assistance to propose the right approach. Afterwards, we can provide legal work quickly and accurately so that you can focus more on your business.

Contact us for up-to-date and practical legal advice.

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